Does Bad Grammar Make You Look Unprofessional?

I get it – not everyone cares as much about good grammar as I do. But proper grammar usage actually DOES make us look more professional – even in this era of fewer words and shorter attention spans.

Here are a few highlights from a recent report by Tidio (you can read all the gory details here):

  • 97% of people surveyed said grammar mistakes influence their perceptions of companies and individuals (and not in a good way.)
  • 94% of Millennial respondents said they pay attention to grammar and spelling mistakes – which negates the notion that those who’ve grown up in the “texting culture” couldn’t care less.
  • More than half of respondents admitted that grammar mistakes can ruin a company’s professional image, and 34.9% felt that a company’s credibility could be affected by grammatical errors.

The common mistakes folks considered most annoying? Their, They’re and There topped the list, followed by Your vs. You’re and Then vs. Than.

Bottom line: Overlooking grammar/spelling mistakes could send prospects searching for a more “professional” company.